Culture summary
essay 2018 Lambert, Bernd

KiribatiOceania > Micronesia
This is a culture summary of the people of Kiribati. Information is presented on major aspects of the culture of Kiribati....

The Gilbert Islands
essay 1971 Lambert, Bernd

KiribatiOceania > Micronesia
This document discusses land tenure in the Makin and Butaritari atolls as observed both in the pre-contact period and during the post-1922 period following the introduction of privatization by colonial officials. The focus is on the ways the governme...

The economic activities of a Gilbertese chief
essay 1966 Lambert, Bernd

KiribatiOceania > Micronesia
This document discusses the economic activities of Kiribati chiefs. In addition to the culturally expected duty of collecting valued foodstuffs for redistribution, chiefs played other roles. The most important included sponsoring public projects (not...

Fosterage in the northern Gilbert Islands
article 1964 Lambert, Bernd

KiribatiOceania > Micronesia
This document focuses on structural factors that led to widespread child adoption and fosterage in two Northern Kiribati communities. Child-giving families and kin groups typically own more land and command more political influence than child-rearers...

Ambilinial descent groups in the northern Gilbert Islands
article 1966 Lambert, Bernd

KiribatiOceania > Micronesia
Traditional Kiribati and culturally-related Polynesian societies were organized into ambilineal descent groups comprised of all persons who could trace descent, alternatively through male or female links, to the group’s founder and who inherited righ...

Makin and the outside world
essay 1975 Lambert, Bernd

KiribatiOceania > Micronesia
This document integrates data from archival sources, census data, and oral histories to reconstruct demographic changes in Makin and Butaritari. It shows that on the eve of World War II the population of both communities was more than double what it ...